A lot of money was spent on many players in the IPL 2025 auction. After being released by Delhi Capitals, Rishabh Pant (Rishabh Pant Expensive Player IPL History) was bought by Lucknow Super Giants. In this way, Pant became the most expensive player in IPL history. He was bought by LSG for 27 crores, while the youngest cricketer to be sold in the auction was Vaibhav Suryavanshi of Bihar, who was bought by Rajasthan Royals for Rs 1.10 crore at the age of 13. Let us know the names of the top-5 youngest cricketers sold in the IPL 2025 mega auction.
5 Youngest Cricketers to be sold in IPL Mega Auction 2025
1. Vaibhav Suryavanshi
The youngest cricketer to be sold in the IPL Mega Auction 2025 was Vaibhav Suryavanshi, who is just 13 years old. Vaibhav was born on 27 March 2011 in Samastipur, Bihar. Let us tell you that in the IPL 2025 auction, Vaibhav Suryavanshi was bought by the Rajasthan Royals team for Rs 1.10 crore. He entered the auction with a base price of Rs 30 lakh, for which a bidding war was seen between Rajasthan and Delhi Capitals.
2. Andre Siddarth
Uncapped player Andre Siddharth was born on 28 August 2006. In this way, he was the second youngest cricketer to be sold in the IPL auction 2025. Andre Siddharth was bought by the CSK team for his base price of Rs 30 lakh. Apart from them, no other team showed interest in buying Andre.
3. Kwena Mafaka
South African young fast bowler Quena Mphaka has been bought by Rajasthan Royals for Rs 1.50 crore in the IPL 2025 auction. Earlier he was a part of Mumbai Indians, but before the auction he was released by Nita Ambani's team. Then Quena, who entered the auction with a base price of Rs 75 lakh, was bought by Rajasthan Royals for Rs 1.50 crore.
4. Allah Ghazanfar
Afghanistan spinner Allah Ghazanfar has been bought by Mumbai Indians for Rs 4.8 crore in the IPL 2025 auction. Allah Ghazanfar entered the auction with a base price of Rs 75 lakh, but there was a tough competition between 4 franchises to buy him. Let us tell you that Allah Ghazanfar was born on 18 March 2006. RCB team also showed interest in buying him in the auction.
5. Noor Ahmed
Afghanistan bowler Noor Ahmed was born on 3 January 2005. He was bought by the CSK team for Rs 10 crore in the IPL 2025 auction. Gujarat Titans wanted to use the RTM card to buy him in the auction, but in the end CSK bought him. Mumbai Indians also showed interest in buying Noor Ahmed.